CEO of VISTIP-Mr. Bui Quy Long gave a summary report
The meeting was attended by Mr. Tran Quoc Khanh - Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology; Mr. Mai Ha – Chief of Office of Vietnam Space Committee and Assistant to Minister; Mr. Nghiem Vu Khai – Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Chairman of S&T Integration Program; Mr. Ho Ngoc Luat – Chief of Department of Local Science and Technology Development; Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Song – Chief of Department of Finance; Mr. Dang Quang Huan – Chief of Department of Emulation and Rewardand Trade Union Leader; and leadership representatives from other MOST units as well as all staffs of VISTIP.
At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Bui Quy Long – CEO of VISTIP gave a 2014 summary report. In 2014, VISTIP has well accomplished its professional missions based on its functions and tasks assigned by Minister such as implementing and ensuring progress of researches at national level and ministry level; organizing and participating some international and local conferences, workshops or S&T events. VISTIP also contributed for legal documents drafted by other units of MOST; organizing some oversea business trips as requested from the MOST units/agencies, in which, VISTIP has received 15 international delegations and organized 09 oversea missions to Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, Korea, China… among those, the most impressiveones were the MOU signing ceremonies with SBC (Small Business Corporation of Korea) and Flinders University of Australia. Besides, VISTIP has also deployed the Company Diagnosis Projectsponsored by SBC applying to three pilot enterprises in Hung Yen, Quang Ninh, Hai Phong provinces, or the project of building strategic orientation for local S&T international cooperation and other integration activities like one with Ba Ria- Vung Tau province. Mr. Long also outlined the plans and activities of VISTIP for 2015 at the end of his report.
After listening to the report, the delegates congratulated the Center for overcoming difficulties and reaping achievements. Additionally, the delegates also contributed their comments for VISTIP to develop new plan and directions in 2015.

Vice Minister Tran Quoc Khanh remarked at the meeting
At the meeting, the Vice Minister Tran Quoc Khanh highly appraised the work and the achievements made byVISTIPduring 2014 year and proposed an intimate relation between VISTIP and the Department of International Cooperation for well implementingthe assigned missions. Vice Minister Khanh also required that in the coming year, VISTIP shouldstrengthen further its human resource, build research orientations according to its functions, co-ordinate with the S&T Integration Program to propose research sub-projects and deploy other service activities.
Acquiring the comments, CEO Bui Quy Long expressed his great thanks for all valuable comments from delegates, especially from the Vice Minister. On behalf of VISTIP, he also asserted that VISTIP would accomplish its mission better and better in the next years.