Thứ ba, 09/08/2022 17:00 GMT+7

Năng lượng thông minh trong sự phát triển đô thị thông minh (Cập nhật đến ngày 05/8/2022)

Trong những trụ cột chính của phát triển đô thị thông minh, phát triển năng lượng thông minh đóng vai trò hết sức quan trọng. Bởi vậy, việc hướng đến một đô thị thông minh hơn, sạch hơn, xanh hơn, bền vững hơn phụ thuộc rất nhiều vào cách thức chúng ta sử dụng năng lượng tại các đô thị. Để hiểu rõ hơn, Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia xin giới thiệu một số bài nghiên cứu đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống.

1. Sciencedirect


1. Analyzing critical barriers of smart energy city in Turkey based on two-dimensional uncertainty by hesitant z-fuzzy linguistic terms

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 18 May 2022 Volume 113 (Cover date: August 2022) Article 104935

Fatma Kutlu Gündoğdu

2. Effects of smart city construction on energy saving and CO2 emission reduction: Evidence from China

Applied Energy 11 March 2022 Volume 313 (Cover date: 1 May 2022) Article 118879

Qingbin Guo, Yong Wang, Xiaobin Dong

3. Towards energy efficient Smart city services: A software defined resource management scheme for data centers

Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 18 June 2022 Volume 35 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 100776

K. Hemant K. Reddy, Ashish K. Luhach, Diptendu S Roy

4. Blockchain-enabled Secure Framework for Energy-Efficient Smart Parking in Sustainable City Environment

Sustainable Cities and Society 20 September 2021 Volume 76 (Cover date: January 2022) Article 103364

Sushil Kumar Singh, Yi Pan, Jong Hyuk Park

5. Applications of ML/DL in the management of smart cities and societies based on new trends in information technologies: A systematic literature review

Sustainable Cities and Society Available online 23 July 2022 In press, journal pre-proof Article 104089

Arash Heidari, Nima Jafari Navimipour, Mehmet Unal

6 Next-generation energy systems for sustainable smart cities: Roles of transfer learning

Sustainable Cities and Society 19 July 2022 Volume 85 (Cover date: October 2022) Article 104059

Yassine Himeur, Mariam Elnour, Abbes Amira

7. State-of-the-art solutions of blockchain technology for data dissemination in smart cities: A comprehensive review

Computer Communications 23 March 2022 Volume 189 (Cover date: 1 May 2022) Pages 120-147

Nur Fadhilah Mohd Shari, Amizah Malip

8. Effective energy utilization through economic development for sustainable management in smart cities

Energy Reports 8 April 2022 Volume 8 (Cover date: November 2022) Pages 4975-4987

Bing Li

9. Assessment of renewable energy sources for smart cities’ demand satisfaction using multi-hesitant fuzzy linguistic based choquet integral approach

Renewable Energy 18 March 2022 Volume 189 (Cover date: April 2022) Pages 1428-1442

Raghunathan Krishankumar, Dragan Pamucar, Kattur Soundarapandian Ravichandran

10. Drone-Edge Coalesce for Energy-Aware and Sustainable Service Delivery for Smart City Applications

Sustainable Cities and Society 3 November 2021 Volume 77 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 103505

Xiaodong Ren, Sahil Vashisht, Peiying Zhang

11. Coordinating energy management systems in smart cities with electric vehicles

Applied Energy 10 December 2021 Volume 307 (Cover date: 1 February 2022) Article 118241

Mohamed Lotfi, Tiago Almeida, João P. S. Catalão

12. Control for smart systems: Challenges and trends in smart cities

Annual Reviews in Control 20 May 2022 Volume 53 (Cover date: 2022) Pages 358-369

Qing-Shan Jia, Hervé Panetto, Zhanbo Xu

13. Semi-Annular-Ring slots loading for broadband circularly polarized DR-Rectenna for RF energy harvesting in smart city environment

AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 5 February 2022 Volume 147 (Cover date: April 2022) Article 154143

Daasari Surender, Md. Ahsan Halimi, Sembiam R. Rengarajan

14. Toward buildings with lower power demand in the smart city of NEOM-incorporating phase change material into building envelopes

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 16 July 2022 Volume 53, Part A (Cover date: October 2022) Article 102494

Hassan Fagehi, Haitham M. Hadidi

15. Can smart city construction improve urban ecological total factor energy efficiency in China? Fresh evidence from generalized synthetic control method

Energy15 December 2021 Volume 241 (Cover date: 15 February 2022) Article 122909

Feng Dong, Yangfan Li, Lu Zheng

16. An energy efficient algorithm for sustainable monitoring of water quality in smart cities

Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 10 June 2022 Volume 35 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 100768

Merin Susan Philip, Poonam Singh

17. Multi-objective mutation-enabled adaptive local attractor quantum behaved particle swarm optimisation based optimal sizing of hybrid renewable energy system for smart cities in India

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 5 November 2021 Volume 49 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 101689

Ramakrishna S. S. Nuvvula, Elangovan Devaraj, Kishore Srinivasa Teegala

18. Lighting control of LEDs considering ambient sound variations to meet the requirements of smart cities

Computers and Electrical Engineering 26 July 2022 Volume 102 (Cover date: September 2022) Article 108240

Mohammad Javad Kalani, Mahdi Kalani, Gevork B. Gharehpetian

19. Cross layer design with weighted sum approach for extending device sustainability in smart cities

Sustainable Cities and Society 13 November 2021 Volume 77 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 103478

Sarwesh PAneesh Mathew

20. Towards sustainable energy efficient routing for dynamic ad-hoc communications in smart cities

Measurement 21 December 2021 Volume 189 (Cover date: 15 February 2022) Article 110623

P. Vijayalakshmi, Tu N. Nguyen, Korhan Cengiz

21. Eco-districts and data-driven smart eco-cities: Emerging approaches to strategic planning by design and spatial scaling and evaluation by technology

Land Use Policy 2 December 2021 Volume 113 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 105830

Simon Elias Bibri

22. Sustainability Performance of European Smart Cities: A Novel DEA Approach with Double Frontiers

Sustainable Cities and Society 26 February 2022 Volume 81 (Cover date: June 2022) Article 103777

Adeeb A. Kutty, Murat Kucukvar, Nuri Cihat Onat

23. Low-carbon transition in smart city with sustainable airport energy ecosystems and hydrogen-based renewable-grid-storage-flexibility

Energy Reviews 4 July 2022 Volume 1, Issue 1 (Cover date: December 2022) Article 100001

Yuekuan Zhou

24. An energy-efficient and secure framework for IoMT: An application of smart cities

Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 13 June 2022 Volume 53, Part A (Cover date: October 2022) Article 102335

Cherry Mangla, Shalli Rani, Norbert Herencsar

25. Tribophotonics: An emerging self-powered wireless solution toward smart city

Nano Energy 29 March 2022 Volume 97 (Cover date: 15 June 2022) Article 107196

Haoyu Wang, Jingjing Fu, Yunlong Zi

26. A review of regional energy internet in smart city from the perspective of energy community

Energy Reports 15 December 2021 Volume 8 (Cover date: November 2022) Pages 161-182

Min Guo, Mingchao Xia, Qifang Chen

27. Towards Efficient Energy Utilization Using Big Data Analytics in Smart Cities for Electricity Theft Detection

Big Data Research 9 November 2021 Volume 27 (Cover date: 28 February 2022) Article 100285

Arooj Arif, Turki Ali Alghamdi, Nadeem Javaid

28. Risk-based energy management of industrial buildings in smart cities and peer-to-peer electricity trading using second-order stochastic dominance procedure

Sustainable Cities and Society 17 November 2021 Volume 77 (Cover date: February 2022) Article 103550

Peiru Jian, Tiantong Guo, Sayyad Nojavan

29. A deep learning architecture for power management in smart cities

Energy Reports 8 January 2022 Volume 8 (Cover date: November 2022) Pages 1568-1577

Qin Xin, Mamoun Alazab, Rubén González Crespo

30. Solar PV network installation standards and cost estimation guidelines for smart cities

Alexandria Engineering Journal 7 July 2021 Volume 61, Issue 2 (Cover date: February 2022) Pages 1277-1287

Sushmita Sarkar, M. S. Bhaskar, Umashankar Subramaniam

31. A trusted proof mechanism of data source for smart city

Future Generation Computer Systems 20 October 2021 Volume 128 (Cover date: March 2022) Pages 349-364

Jianli Liu, Bei Gong, Qian Wang


2. Spinger


1. Analysis of Smart Grid Voltage Stability with Integration of Demand Load Variation in Smart Energy Network

Shouvik Kumar Samanta, Chandan Kumar Chanda in Journal of The Institution of Engineers (I… (2022)

2. China’s energy transitions for carbon neutrality: challenges and opportunities

Changying Zhao, Shenghong Ju, Yuan Xue, Tao Ren, Ya Ji, Xue Chen in Carbon Neutrality (2022)

3. Fuel poverty and low carbon emissions: a comparative study of the feasibility of the hybrid renewable energy systems incorporating combined heat and power technology

Dorota Rzetelska, Madeleine Combrinck in Frontiers in Energy (2022)

4. Perspectives and review of photovoltaic-thermal panels in net-zero energy buildings

Ahmad Arabkoohsar, Gongnan Xie, Jinjia Wei… in Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2022)

5. Smart metering in EU and the energy theft problem

Stergios I. Gerasopoulos, Nikolaos M. Manousakis… in Energy Efficiency (2022)

6. A novel enviro-economic three-stage market-based energy management considering energy storage systems and demand response programs for networked smart microgrids

Amir Reza Namjoo, Rahman Dashti, Sobhan Dorahaki… in Electrical Engineering (2022)

7. Sustainable Food and Agriculture: Employment of Renewable Energy Technologies

Shiva Gorjian, Omid Fakhraei, Alireza Gorjian, Amin Sharafkhani… in Current Robotics Reports (2022)

8. Impact of energy management systems, pro-environmental energy consumption, and awareness on performance outcomes: a serial mediated-moderated modeling with PLS-SEM

Muhsin Halis, Mine Halis in Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022)


3.  IEEE


1. Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading in Smart Energy Communities: A Lyapunov-Based Energy Control and Trading System

Hailing Zhu;Khmaies Ouahada;Adnan M. Abu-Mahfouz

IEEE Access

Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

2. Design, Deployment and Performance Evaluation of an IoT Based Smart Energy Management System for Demand Side Management in Smart Grid

M. Usman Saleem;M. Rehan Usman;M. Arslan Usman;Christos Politis

IEEE Access

Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

3. Economic Mixed-Integer Model for Coordinating Large-Scale Energy Storage Power Plant with Demand Response Management Options in Smart Grid Energy Management

B. Motalebi Nejad;M. Vahedi;M Hoseina;M. Samiei Moghaddam

IEEE Access

Year: 2022 | Early Access Article | Publisher: IEEE

4. Real-Time Scheduling for Optimal Energy Optimization in Smart Grid Integrated With Renewable Energy Sources

Fahad R. Albogamy;Mohammad Yousaf Ishaq Paracha;Ghulam Hafeez;Imran Khan;Sadia Murawwat;Gul Rukh;Sheraz Khan;Mohammad Usman Ali Khan

IEEE Access

Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

5. Renewable Energy Integration Into Cloud & IoT-Based Smart Agriculture

Et-Taibi Bouali;Mohamed Riduan Abid;El-Mahjoub Boufounas;Tareq Abu Hamed;Driss Benhaddou

IEEE Access

Year: 2022 | Volume: 10 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE

6. High Reporting Rate Smart Metering Data for Enhanced Grid Monitoring and Services for Energy Communities

Mihai Sănduleac;Irina Ciornei;Lucian Toma;Radu Plămnescu;Ana-Maria Dumitrescu;Mihaela M. Albu

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

Year: 2022 | Volume: 18, Issue: 6 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


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