Thứ ba, 07/12/2021 21:05 GMT+7

Các bài nghiên cứu mới về Trí tuệ nhân tạo hay trí thông minh nhân tạo từ ngày 30/11 đến ngày 06/12/2021

Cục Thông tin KH&CN quốc gia trân trọng kính gửi đến các nhà khoa học những nghiên cứu mới nhất về Trí tuệ nhân tạo hay trí thông minh nhân tạo (Artificial intelligence) trên thế giới bao gồm những bài viết đã được xuất bản chính thức và các bài viết được chấp nhận đăng trên những cơ sở dữ liệu học thuật chính thống năm 2021.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library


1. A Comprehensive Review of Crop Yield Prediction Using Machine Learning Approaches With Special Emphasis on Palm Oil Yield Prediction

Mamunur Rashid;Bifta Sama Bari;Yusri Yusup;Mohamad Anuar Kamaruddin;Nuzhat Khan

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


2. Identification of Changes in VLE Stakeholders’ Behavior Over Time Using Frequent Patterns Mining

Martin Drlik;Michal Munk;Jan Skalka

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


3. Machine Learning Based PV Power Generation Forecasting in Alice Springs   

Khizir Mahmud;Sami Azam;Asif Karim;Sm Zobaed;Bharanidharan Shanmugam;Deepika Mathur

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


 4. Automatic Detection of Road Types From the Third Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary Historical Map Series With Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Yekta Said Can;Petrus Johannes Gerrits;M. Erdem Kabadayi

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


5. Hawk-Eye: An AI-Powered Threat Detector for Intelligent Surveillance Cameras

Ahmed Abdelmoamen Ahmed;Mathias Echi

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


6. An Energy-Efficient Time-Domain Analog CMOS BinaryConnect Neural Network Processor Based on a Pulse-Width Modulation Approach

Masatoshi Yamaguchi;Goki Iwamoto;Yuta Nishimura;Hakaru Tamukoh;Takashi Morie

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


7. IoT Platform for COVID-19 Prevention and Control: A Survey

Yudi Dong;Yu-Dong Yao

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


8. Systematic Review on Machine-Learning Algorithms Used in Wearable-Based eHealth Data Analysis

Aditi Site;Jari Nurmi;Elena Simona Lohan

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


9. Practical Full Chip Clock Distribution Design With a Flexible Topology and Hybrid Metaheuristic Technique

Eng Keong Teh;Mohamad Adzhar Md Zawawi;Mohamed Fauzi Packeer Mohamed;Nor Ashidi Mat Isa

IEEE Access


10. iWorksafe: Towards Healthy Workplaces During COVID-19 With an Intelligent Phealth App for Industrial Settings

M. Shamim Kaiser;Mufti Mahmud;Manan Binth Taj Noor;Nusrat Zerin Zenia;Shamim Al Mamun;K. M. Abir Mahmud;Saiful Azad;V. N. Manjunath Aradhya;Punitha Stephan;Thompson Stephan;Ramani Kannan;Mohammed Hanif;Tamanna Sharmeen;Tianhua Chen;Amir Hussain

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE


11. Accelerating Spike-by-Spike Neural Networks on FPGA With Hybrid Custom Floating-Point and Logarithmic Dot-Product Approximation

Yarib Nevarez;David Rotermund;Klaus R. Pawelzik;Alberto Garcia-Ortiz

IEEE Access

Year: 2021 | Volume: 9 | Journal Article | Publisher: IEEE




1. Predictive modeling of swell-strength of expansive soils using artificial intelligence approaches: ANN, ANFIS and GEP

Journal of Environmental Management, 5 April 2021, Volume 289 (Cover date: 1 July 2021), Article 112420

Fazal E. Jalal, Yongfu Xu, Babak Jamhiri


2. Using artificial intelligence techniques for detecting Covid-19 epidemic fake news in Moroccan tweets

Results in Physics, 3 May 2021, Volume 25 (Cover date: June 2021), Article 104266

Youness Madani, Mohammed Erritali, Belaid Bouikhalene


3. Applications of artificial intelligence in battling against covid-19: A literature review

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 3 October 2020, Volume 142 (Cover date: January 2021), Article 110338

Mohammad-H. Tayarani N.


4. Digital technology, tele-medicine and artificial intelligence in ophthalmology: A global perspective

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 6 September 2020, Volume 82 (Cover date: May 2021), Article 100900

Ji-Peng Olivia Li, Hanruo Liu, Daniel S. W. Ting


5. Developments, application, and performance of artificial intelligence in dentistry – A systematic review

Journal of Dental Sciences, 30 June 2020, Volume 16, Issue 1 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 508-522

Sanjeev B. Khanagar, Ali Al-ehaideb, Shilpa Bhandi


6. Artificial intelligence and robotics: Shaking up the business world and society at large

Journal of Business Research, 29 October 2020, Volume 124 (Cover date: January 2021), Pages 405-407

Michael Haenlein, Andreas Kaplan


7. Predicting the settlement of geosynthetic-reinforced soil foundations using evolutionary artificial intelligence technique

Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 6 May 2021, Volume 49, Issue 5 (Cover date: October 2021), Pages 1280-1293

Muhammad Nouman Amjad Raja, Sanjay Kumar Shukla


8. Artificial intelligence-enabled environmental sustainability of products: Marketing benefits and their variation by consumer, location, and product types

Journal of Cleaner Production, 30 November 2020, Volume 285 (Cover date: 20 February 2021), Article 125242

Björn Frank


9. What makes an AI device human-like? The role of interaction quality, empathy and perceived psychological anthropomorphic characteristics in the acceptance of artificial intelligence in the service industry

Computers in Human Behavior, 6 May 2021, Volume 122 (Cover date: September 2021), Article 106855

Corina Pelau, Dan-Cristian Dabija, Irina Ene


10. A state-of-the-art review on mobile robotics tasks using artificial intelligence and visual data

Expert Systems with Applications, 2 November 2020, Volume 167 (Cover date: 1 April 2021), Article 114195

Sergio Cebollada, Luis Payá, Oscar Reinoso


11. An artificial intelligence approach to optimization of an off-grid hybrid wind/hydrogen system

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 26 February 2021, Volume 46, Issue 24 (Cover date: 6 April 2021), Pages 12725-12738

Weiping Zhang, Akbar Maleki, Mostafa Safdari Shadloo


12. Validation of terrestrial laser scanning and artificial intelligence for measuring deformations of cultural heritage structures

Measurement, 28 July 2020, Volume 167 (Cover date: 1 January 2021), Article 108291

Michalina Wojtkowska, Michal Kedzierski, Paulina Delis


13. Artificial intelligence-based predictions of movie audiences on opening Saturday

International Journal of Forecasting, 22 June 2020, Volume 37, Issue 1 (Cover date: January–March 2021), Pages 274-288

Yongdae An, Jinwon An, Sungzoon Cho


14. Artificial intelligence techniques for enabling Big Data services in distribution networks: A review

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16 July 2021, Volume 150 (Cover date: October 2021), Article 111459

Sara Barja-Martinez, Mònica Aragüés-Peñalba, Roberto Villafafila-Robles


15. Framing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Additive Manufacturing (AM)

Procedia Computer Science, 11 June 2021, Volume 186 (Cover date: 2021), Pages 387-394

Bernhard Heiden, Volodymyr Alieksieiev, Bianca Tonino-Heiden


16. Hierarchical Deep Learning Neural Network (HiDeNN): An artificial intelligence (AI) framework for computational science and engineering

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 21 October 2020, Volume 373 (Cover date: 1 January 2021), Article 113452

Sourav Saha, Zhengtao Gan, Wing Kam Liu


17. Investigating the artificial intelligence methods for determining performance of the NZVI permeable reactive barriers

Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 7 November 2020, Volume 12 (Cover date: February 2021), Article 100516

Ali Naghikhani, Ata Jodeiri, Amir Hosein Buchali Safiee   


18. Artificial intelligence and radiomics in pediatric molecular imaging

Methods, 13 June 2020, Volume 188 (Cover date: April 2021), Pages 37-43

Matthias W. Wagner, Alexander Bilbily, Reza Vali


 19. An Artificial Intelligence Model Considering Data Imbalance for Ship Selection in Port State Control Based on Detention Probabilities

Journal of Computational Science, 30 November 2020, Volume 48 (Cover date: January 2021), Article 101257

Ran Yan, Shuaian Wang, Chuansheng Peng


20. Combined methods of optical spectroscopy and artificial intelligence in the assessment of experimentally induced non-alcoholic fatty liver

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 3 October 2020, Volume 198 (Cover date: January 2021), Article 105777

Eduardo J. Arista Romeu, Josué D. Rivera Fernández, Carolina Guzmán




1. Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Sign Language

Dimitropoulos, Kosmas; Daras, Petros. Sensors; Basel Vol. 21, Iss. 17,  (2021): 5843.


2. An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Bloodstream Infections Prediction

Pai, Kai-Chih; Wang, Min-Shian; Yun-Feng, Chen; Chien-Hao Tseng; Po-Yu, Liu; et al. Journal of Clinical Medicine; Basel Vol. 10, Iss. 13,  (2021): 2901.

3. A survey on artificial intelligence assurance

Batarseh, Feras A; Freeman, Laura; Huang, Chih-Hao. Journal of Big Data; Heidelberg Vol. 8, Iss. 1,  (Apr 2021).


4. Artificial intelligence for digenesis and controlling the Coronavirus

Elfasakhany, Ashraf. Revista Argentina de Clínica Psicológica; Buenos Aires Vol. 30, Iss. 2,  (2021): 103.



Szabadföldi, István. Land Forces Academy Review; Sibiu Vol. 26, Iss. 2,  (2021): 157-165.


6. Ethical Management of Artificial Intelligence

Sustainability; Basel Vol. 13, Iss. 4,  (2021): 1974.


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