A Study visit to United States of America to validate the philosophical and theoretical basis for the selection of priority partners and areas in scientific and technological cooperation of Vietnam toward 2020 for more effectiveness

Tuesday, 05/05/2015 14:14 GMT+7
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Within framework of a research project coded KX.06.05/11-15 leaded by Dr. Sc. Nghiem Vu Khai- Former Vice Minister of Science and Technology, hosted by the Centre for Vietnam Science and Technology Internationalization Promotion (VISTIP) and...

Officials from the Office of Science and Technology, US Department of State and the Delegation

During the time in US from 17- 24/5/2015, delegation visited and worked with many US agencies and scientific-technological organizations that include the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA), the Office of Science and technology Cooperation belonging to the US Department of State, National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the National Institute of Standards and technology (NIST) belonging to the US Department of Commerce, the National Science Foundation (NSF), University of Columbia, UC Berkeley and other institutions...

At the University of Columbia in New York where a hundreds of inventions were made yearly and a remarkable ratio of successful research commercialization was done, the Delegation was shared experience on 3 linkage success (Government, Scientist and Business) vie research commercialization activity.

At the Office of Science and Technology Cooperation where conducts research and proposes priority direction of cooperation with Vietnam and acts as a contact point for US side at the Join Committee for Science and Technology Cooperation between Vietnam and the US, the delegation investigated the priority direction in science and technology cooperation set by the US for the Asia in general and for Vietnam in particular.

Officials from the US Trade and Development Agency and the Delegation

During the meetings with the leading policy making agencies of the US mentioned above, the delegation investigated how the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Technology Transfer research (STTR) have been operated and managed in the US and discussed on how to develop the projects of scientific and technological cooperation from the diversity resources of US funding that Vietnam can access and approach to.

The Delegation met with many Vietnamese-American scientists who gained a lot of experience and relationship with the broader scientific and technological community in US to clarify concerns in technology transfer and research as well as the chances of investment in science and technology in Vietnam ...

Especially, during the visit, the delegation had the meeting with the Representative agencies of Vietnam to US including the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the UN in New York, Embassy and Consulate of Vietnam in Washington DC and San Francisco as well as the Vietnam Offices of Science and Technology in US. Those agencies were requested by delegation to help the science - technology organizations and scientists of Vietnam and US in cooperation toward capacity building for the development of Vietnam.

Ambassador Nguyen Phuong Nga- Head of The Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the UN in New York and the Delegation

Through the meetings, the delegation gained a lot of useful information to validate the philosophical and theoretical basis for the selection of priority partners and areas in scientific and technological cooperation of Vietnam toward 2020 for more effectiveness that finalizes the KX 06.05/11-15 coded Project. The visit not only paved the way for many relations but opened up many opportunities for cooperation between counterparts of Vietnam and US vie the Vietnam Offices of Science and Technology in US and/or, especially vie a bridge as the VISTIP’s role is playing now.

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