The overview of the Anniversary
Attending the Anniversary were Russia’s Ambassador in Vietnam–Mr. Vnukov Konstantin Vasilievich; representatives from the US’ Embassy, India’s Embassy,… and other related agencies and branches.
Delivering a speech in the Anniversary, Minister Nguyễn Quân said on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first person to successfully carry out the flight to space. This event was to open the era of space discovery and conquest of human beings. On April 07, 2011, UN General Secretary stated to mark April 12 annually as “the International Day of Human Space Flight” in order to mark the first flight of human beings to space and promote the space exploitation for peaceful purposes and for benefits of human beings.
From 70’s of last century, Vietnam implemented some stations to receivesatellite photos with URAL brand name manufactured by the Russian Federation with objectives to receive photos from METEOR, TIROS, NOAAsatellites,… These stations have provided black and white images for monitoring cloud fields and movements of the eye of hurricanes; then many applications of achievements of Space technology have been implemented in Vietnam for the development of economic – social, security – defense branches.
Recently, Vietnam’s Government and S&T Communities have implementing strategies and projects in order to develop research and use of space technology in Vietnam with some results as more than 60 projects have been implemented; Vietnam is the investor of 2 telecommunication satellites of Vinasat - 1, Vinasat - 2; 1 Vietnam’s sensoring satelliteVNREDSat-1;…
The Minister said that in the context of international integration, Vietnam has paid special attention to issues of formulating laws related to space technologies; promoting the entry into international Conventions/ Treaties on space technologies; improving the signing of cooperation agreements on space technologies with the Russian Federation, the US,… in order to create favorable conditions for supporting, developing human resources for the social and economic development and ensuring the security and defense and international integration.
“Although Vietnam has achieved some successfullyresults on using space technologies, some research and development activities of space technologies still need more efforts from managers, scientists including the efficient use of the Government’s resources”, the Minister expressed.
According, Vietnam Space Committee is focusing on effectively exploitation capacities of land receiving stations for Vietnam’s defense and security; continuing the implementation of Vietnam Strategy for Development and Use of Space Technology by 2020,…
Delivering in the Anniversary, the Russia’s Ambassador in Vietnam, Mr. Vnukov Konstantin Vasilievich said for the coming time, Russia and Vietnam would promote training for officials and joint projects in research and use space for peaceful purposes by the Inter-governmentalAgreement between the two countries which is effective from January16, 2015. “The two countries will implement signedagreements, this is one of fields which contribute to promoting and strengthening Vietnam – Russian comprehensive strategic partner relations”, Mr. Vnukov Konstantin Vasilievich emphasized.
Also in the Anniversary, on behalf of Vietnam’s community of managers and scientist in technology use field, Minister Nguyễn Quân sent his sincere thanks to nations which provides support and assistance for space technology as the Russian Federation, France, the US, Japan, the Belgium Kingdom, the United Kingdom, India,… and affirmed that Vietnam has been and would be an active and responsible member which participate in exploring and exploiting spacy technologies for peaceful purposes.