The panorama of the Session
Attending the Session were Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Trần Việt Thanh; Director of Vietnam APO – Dr. Ngô Quý Việt, Director of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality; Mr. Mari Amano – General Secretary of APO and representative leaders of inter-sectoral agencies.
Delivering a speech in the Session, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Trần Việt Thanh said that Vietnam has been in the stage of carrying out strong reforms in management. The renovation of the growth model towards improving productivity, efficiency and competitiveness is one of directions and measures for the social and economic development in Vietnam’s development strategy for the coming time. The National program on “Improving the quality of products, goods of Vietnamese enterprises by 2020” approved by Vietnam’s Prime Minister has been implemented and Ministry of Science and Technology is the focal point for the implementation. With the hopes to have significant contributions for the region’s development and cooperation with other countries in sharing information, Vietnam wants to have support from APO and productivity agencies of member nations in training for experts and experience of applying measures for improve the productivity and quality.
During the three days of the Session (from April 15 to 17, 2014), APO’s Steering Committee and representatives of APO’s member nations would have important activities in order to provide directions for productivity and quality activities for member nations as carrying out the election of new President and Vice President for the 2014 – 2015 period, announcing the Financial Report 2013, appointing auditors for 2014 and approving the budget and work plans of two years of 2015 – 2016, providing directions for activities of the following years. In addition, the participants would have reports and discussions on policy directions of their own countries as well as recommendations on bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation programs.
The APO is the inter-governmental agency which was established from 1961 with objectives of promoting the social and economic development of member economics through of productivity and quality improvement activities. Currently, the organization has 20 member nations/economies. With the slogan “For a future better than today”, activities of the organization are focused on fields of industries, services, environment and community development for purposes of maximizing resources and developing in a sustainable way.
It is known that Vietnam has participated in APO since 1996. Through programs, Vietnam’s groups of productivity experts have been established and expanded more. Thousands of Vietnamese organizations and enterprises have had opportunities to access with advanced management technologies and share experience on improving productivity and quality of countries in the region and in the world. Many advanced systems and tools have been disseminated widely as the Quality Management System according to standard ISO 9000, the Environment Quality Management according to standard ISO 50001, comprehensive quality management, Lean 6 Sigma model, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), green productivity,…