Sharing South Korea’s experience on reviewing polices on Science and Technology

Thursday, 20/02/2014 09:41 GMT+7
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On February 17, 2014, PhD Trần Hậu Ngọc, Director of Vietnam Center for Science and Technology Evaluation had a working session with Professor Sin Doo Lee, President of Korea Committee for Science and Technology (S&T) Policy Evaluation within the...

In the working session, PhD Trần Hậu Ngọc had a brief introduction about the Center’s functions and tasks, some results in S&T evaluation and cooperation results between the Center and Korean partners over the past time and expressed his hopes to have cooperation activities between the Center and the Committee on S&T policy evaluation.

PhD Sin Doo Lee has shared that there have been so many social and cultural similarities between Vietnam and Korea, so he hoped that sharing Korea’s experience on S&T policy evaluation would be useful for Vietnam. Professor Sin Doo Lee has briefly shared about methods of organizing networks on planning, implementation as well as evaluation of S&T policies in Korea. Concluding the working session, the two parties expressed their hopes to have new cooperation activities for the coming time in order to improve evaluation capacities for S&T policies for the Center.

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