VJSE was a forum organized by branches of Vietnamese students in Japan. This was the opportunity for students and young researchers of the two countries to share about academic topics, initiatives, solutions and achieved results in many Scienceand Technology field, at the same time to understand about policies on investment and development support for scientific research activities in each country.
The first VJSE meeting was organized in 2004. Through 6 times of organization, the VJSE meeting has become the forum for exchanging academic and cultural topics with special attention of Vietnamese and Japanese students, post-graduates and scholars. With significant efforts of Vietnamese student and post-graduate communities in Japan, the 7thVJSE meeting was successfully organized.

In addition to the participation of the majority of Vietnamese and Japanese students and young researchers in Kansai, this meeting has attracted many students, young researchers and respectful scholars from many localities in Japan as well in Vietnam to participate and present reports. Especially, many Professors, Assistant Professors, PhDs, Rectors and Vice Rectors of many well-known universities and research institutes as Kobe, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Hanoi National University also provided support to organize and participate in presenting reports in the Meeting. Scientific reports presented in the meeting were abundant and belonged to many different professional fields as health, agriculture, environment, trade, biology technology, information technology and computer science, international relations etc.The successful organization, expansion of network linkages and diversity in the content showed the dynamics, creation and enthusiasm of the VJSE Organizing Committee. This activity is really the motivation to promote and encourage students and young researchers of the two countries to have more eagerness and creation, share knowledge and experience during the S&T research process in general, as well as on the career development of each individual in particular, which would consequently contribute to promoting friendship relations and cooperation on S&T between Vietnam and Japan.
In the opening ceremony of VJSE 2014, Deputy Minister of Science and TechnologyTrần Quốc Khánh had a speech welcoming the event, which affirmed important roles of S&T for the social and economic development of nations in general and of Vietnam in particular, at the same time emphasized the expansion of cooperative relations on ScienceandTechnology with nations with which Vietnam has paid special attention, especially Japan.
Also in this forum, the representative of the National Foundation for Scienceand Technology Development (NAFOSTED) also had a presentation, which provided information on functions, tasks and objectives of NAFOSTED, especially NAFOSTED’s policies on encouraging and supporting young researchers and talents with science and technologyactivities.
Within the framework of VJSE 2014, the Organizing Committee reviewed and assessed the content of reports as well as that of reports which were impressively presented of students and young researchers participating in the meeting. The Organizing Committee selected 12 individuals to award 02 types of prizes which are the best paper award and the best presentation award.
In the closing ceremony and prize awarding funded by MOST, Deputy Minister Trần Quốc Khánh also met, directly exchanged and shared with students on reforms in terms of mechanisms and policies on Vietnam’s S&T activities, especially remarkable preferences in policies for young researchers and individuals with high achievements in their study and S&T research. Deputy Minister Trần Quốc Khánh highly appreciated efforts made by VJSE Organizing Committee, VJSE 2014’s success, at the same time affirmed that MOST would encourage and continue its support for VJSE’s activities for the coming years./.