Improving knowledge on intellectual property valuation

Monday, 10/06/2013 15:32 GMT+7
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Providing knowledge on intellectual property valuation for staff who manage research and development activities, intellectual property and for research institutes, universities and relevant agencies… was the key objective of the Workshop on...
Delivering a speech in the Workshop, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Trần Văn Tùng emphasized in the context of the globalization and international economic integration, intellectual property has been affirmed with its importance in every field of the national economy. The development and improvement of systems on intellectual property right protection as well as the encouragement, support for the development of intellectual property have currently become more and more essential worldwide and an important part of the country’s social and economic activities.

The Strategy on Science and Technology Development for the 2011 – 2020 period approved by the Prime Minister on April 11, 2012 has clearly stated that “the development of science market is linked with the enforcement of intellectual property laws in order to promote the commercialization of results of technology research and development and encourage science and technology innovation”. “Valuation of intellectual property is one task of important meaning in the commercialization of intellectual property, then creating favorable conditions for establishing and developing the science and technology market. The issue of intellectual property valuation has currently become the concern of not only enterprises but also of legislative bodies, policy-makers and macro-economic managers, from businessmen to innovators, from managers of innovation activities in universities and research institutes…”, Deputy Minister Trần Văn Tùng stated clearly.

Emphasizing the importance of intellectual property valuation in the commercialization of intellectual property, in the Workshop the majority of participants said that only when it is possible to define values of intellectual property, there would be the basis to carry out transactions of exchange, purchase and selling and then the intellectual property can reach to people who have demands and serve for the social and economic development. Good valuation of intellectual property would help to make the most appropriate decisions relating to protection, exploitation, commercialization of intellectual property of research institutes, universities, enterprises as well as to carrying out good State management functions. Intellectual property valuation also has the traditional purpose of identifying losses in conflicts of intellectual property rights.

During 3 days of the Workshop from June 5 to 7 the participants have been introduced by international experts about basic contents of intellectual property valuation in two stages of valuation in the stage before the commercialization in order to define values of universities, research institutes and valuation in the commercialization stage in order to define values of intellectual property for transfer, capital contribution and establishment of enterprises.

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