The panorama of the meeting
In the meeting, Minister Nguyễn Quân highly appreciated Korean achievements in the country’s modernization over the past time. These can be considered as precious experience for Vietnam to study and learn, especially experience in the establishment and development of Korea’s KIST Institute.
Minister Nguyễn Quân expressed his desire to have support of Mr. Jun Dae Joo during his term for issues to which the two countries have paid attention for cooperation as development of nuclear power, manufacturing of automobile and ship building industries, high-level human resource training... Especially the successful establishment of V-KIST Institute would become a friendship symbol between the two countries for Vietnam’s research institutes.
In reply to the Minister’s sentiments, Mr. Jun Dae Joo has committed to spend his whole heart and efforts for the development of the two countries in his new terms. Especially, the Ambassador agreed to focus and speed up relating legal procedures in order to sign documents on establishing V-KIST and some other important S&T fields on the occasion of the coming visit and working trip paid by the Korean President to Vietnam.