At the People's Committee in Dong Nai Province, Comrade Tran Van Vinh, Vice Chairman had chaired the work meeting along with the participation of leaders from the government departments in Dong Nai Province such as Department of Science and Technology, Department of Information and Communications, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Construction.

National Office in Southern Region had a work meeting at People’s Committee in Dong Nai Province
At the meeting, the Korean experts had introduced the mapping technology used UAV drone, the advantages and applications of this technology in reality to deploy the plan mapping construction and infrastructure management, assess the risks related to natural disasters and agricultural management.
After the presentation of Korean experts, many questions were posed from the government authorities in Dong Nai province concerning about feasibility, reliability and accuracy of this technology about data collection, measurement and mapping for planning land use; boundary identification and agricultural management; and there were specific explanations from Korean experts. Besides, South Korean experts also shared with the authorities’ leaders of Dong Nai province about the intention to collaborate with SROMOST to organize thematic workshops for providing more information and deeper exchange about GIS and UAV technology.
Upon concluding the meeting, Comrade Tran Van Vinh made a proposal for South Korean experts on consulting and plan mapping for the project with an area of 4,000 hectares using the presented technology in order to put into the construction planning of the Dong Nai for the period from 2015 to 2025. In additions, he also suggested SROMOST to act as coordinator and assigned Department of Construction in collaboration with Department of Science and Technology, Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Dong Nai province to provide necessary information for performing the mentioned task.
The meeting ended with the consensus on implementation collaboration of the proposal content between SROMOST, the Departments in Dong Nai province and the Korean experts with expectation to implement within 4th Quarter of 2015./.