On approving Key Directions, Objectives and Tasks
of Science and Technology for the 2016-2020 period
Pursuant to the Law on Science and Technology No. 29/2013/QH13 dated June 18, 2013
Pursuant to Decree No. 20/2013/ND-CP dated February 26, 2013 by the Government on defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
Based on Decision No. 418/QD-TTg dated April 11, 2012 by the Prime Minister on approving the Strategy for Science and Technology Development for the 2011-2020 period;
At the proposal of Chief of The Planning - General Affairs Department,
Article 1. To approve key directions, objectives and tasks of science and technology for the 2016 - 2020 period with the following contents:
1. To reform fundamentally, comprehensively and synchronously in terms of science and technology (S&T) organization, management and operational mechanisms by:
Organizing the implementation of the Law on S&T 2013, developing and implementing the proposal on restructuring S&T branch, applying new mechanisms on placing orders, imposing budget to end-products when carrying out S&T tasks and applying fund mechanisms on allocating budget for carrying out S&T tasks. Shifting methods of allocating regular budget for public S&T organizations through regular tasks according to assigned functions. Strengthening specialized supervision, monitoring and inspection of the implementation of S&T tasks. Improving self-managed and self-accountable mechanisms of public S&T organizations appropriate with specialized features of S&T activities. Improving capacities of the State management mechanisms in terms of S&T aspect at all levels.
2. To focus resources in order to implement key development S&T directions by:
Investing properly and with focus on basic research, research for theoretical development, research for defining development directions and policies, ensuring national defense, security and environmental protection; Prioritizing resources to implement national S&T programs, develop national products, renovate technologies, develop high technologies; Promoting applied research, linking S&T development tasks with social and economic development tasks at all levels and branches.
3. To continuously improve national S&T potentials by:
Carrying out measures to mobilize social resources and foreign capital in order to increase investments in S&T through the system of S&T development funds of Ministries, branches, localities, enterprises and public-private cooperation projects, research cooperation tasks according to Protocols. Continuing to invest in development of S&T organizations, establishing some S&T organizations according to the world modern models. Strongly developing S&T human resources in terms of the quantity and quality. Building and developing S&T infrastructure to meet demands of the country’s industrialization and modernization.
4. To develop S&T markets, enterprises and service activities by:
Developing the S&T market linked with enforcement of intellectual property laws in order to promote commercialization of research results, patent exploitation, technology use and development, S&T innovation promotion. Implementing synchronously solutions on improving the quality of goods and products. Investing to develop the national metrology system. Forming a system of S&T enterprises including startups from strong research groups and S&T organizations. Developing the network of S&T service organizations, technology transfer services and promoting linkages of technology supply and demands. Developing the national database on S&T in parallel with the comprehensive development of S&T statistics, publicizing information on results and efficiency of S&T activities nationwide.
5. To continuously promote international integration on S&T by:
Promoting international integration on S&T in order to improve capacities of absorbing and mastering advanced technologies, creating new products, services and technologies, contributing to develop S&T potentials, raising the productivity and quality of products and services with high-added values.
In addition to achieve objectives set out in the Strategy for Science and Technology Development for the 2011 - 2020 period approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 418/QĐ-TTg dated April 11, 2012, S&T tasks for the 2016 - 2020 period need to achieve the following specific objectives:
1. Indicators on innovation and some S&T fields of Viet Nam shall be developed at the level as high as that of a group of ASEAN’s leading countries.
2. The operational efficiency of S&T organizations shall be improved, 100% of public S&T organizations shall be shifted to work with the self-managed and responsible mechanism.
3. The State management mechanism on S&T from the Central to local level shall be improved; 100% of S&T managers at all levels shall be fostered and standardized as stipulated.
4. Vietnam – Korea Institute of Science and Technology (V-KIST) shall be founded and developed according to the world advanced model, with science officials, facilities and equipment at the advanced level in the region and the world.
5. Mechanisms on preparing plans and budget estimation for S&T shall be full carried out, appropriate with special features of S&T activities and development needs of the nation, branches and localities.
6. The efficiency of implementing S&T tasks at national, ministerial/provincial level shall be improved through mechanisms of placing orders, imposing budget to end-products when carrying out S&T tasks and applying fund mechanisms on allocating the budget for carrying out S&T tasks.
7. Science and Technology Development Fund shall be established in Ministries, branches and localities which are capable and in most of State-owned enterprises.
8. At least 200 enterprises shall innovate their technology and products through funding activities of the National Technology Innovation Fund.
9. The State Risk Venture Investment Fund shall be established to meet demands of research and development of new and high technologies.
10. Basically, technologies and equipment imported from foreign countries shall be monitored and assessed in terms of the quality.
11. Numbers of results of scientific research and technological development topics funded from the State budget to be commercialized shall be annually increased at the rate of 10%.
12. At least 5 national products on Vietnamese branch shall be developed.
13. For the 2016 – 2020 period, 2,000 Vietnamese standards (TCVN) shall be established and announced, it is strived that the total of TCVN to be established for the 2011-2020 period shall be 6,000, and 60% of TCVN in the national standard system be harmonized with international and regional ones. The system of national technical standards shall continue to be established, meeting requirements of the social and economic development.
14. The network of intermediate organizations in S&T markets shall be established with focus on technology exchanges in Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh City and Đà Nẵng.
15.100% of scientific research results at national, ministerial/provincial levels shall be registered and archived in the national S&T information system.
1. To reform fundamentally, comprehensively and synchronously in terms of S&T organization, management and operational mechanisms by:
1.1. Implementing effectively new mechanisms and policies on the operation of S&T organizations
a) To effective make planning of the network of public S&T organizations, linking with restructuring S&T branch to focus investments and improve the performance efficiency. Public S&T organizations which are not in line with the planning and have poor performance shall be merged, dissolve and reorganized.
b) To complete the shift of entire public S&T organizations to operate with self-managed and self-accountable mechanisms. The State budget shall ensure the operating budget for public S&T organizations through regular tasks according to their assigned S&T functions and tasks. To support public S&T organizations to carry out self-managed and self-accountable mechanisms through Fostering Innovation through Research, Science and Technology (FIRST) project, Finland – Vietnam Innovation Partnership Program (IPP), the Program on supporting the development of S&T enterprise and public S&T organizations to carry out self-managed and self-responsible mechanisms (Program 592) and national S&T programs and projects approved by the Prime Minister.
c) To enforcing effectively regulations on assigning ownerships, usage and commercialization of results of scientific research and technological development funded by the State budget to agencies which chair S&T tasks, at the same time working out mechanisms of distributing properly interests between the State, chairing agencies and authors. Promoting the exploitation of patents which are not protected or their protection duration is expired in Viet Nam. To implement regulations on recognizing S&T research results which are not funded by the State budget to support the development of S&T enterprises and commercialization.
1.2. Implementing effectively new mechanisms and policies on management, investment methods and financial mechanisms
a) To submit to the National Assembly the amendment and supplementation of the Law on Technology Transfer (in 2016), Law on Atomic Energy (in 2017), Law on Intellectual Property (in 2018), meeting Vietnam’s commitments when entering Free Trade Agreements and Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.
b) To focused to renovate mechanisms of preparing plans and budget estimation for S&T appropriate with special features of S&T activities and development requirements of the nation, branches and localities.
- Implementing the proposal of allocating 2% of the total State budget for S&T according to the following budget structures and rates: by 2020 the budget rate for investment and development is 30%, that for science cause is 55% and that for provision and defense and security is 15%, increasing the budget proportion for S&T organizations at the Central level in order to have sufficient budget for carrying out S&T tasks at national level and using efficiently the budget allocated to S&T.
- Implementing strictly mechanisms of placing orders, consultation procedures for identifying S&T tasks, selecting or directly assigning the implementation of S&T tasks. Making use at the maximum of mechanisms of imposing lump sum expenses to end products or partial implementation of S&T tasks.
- Implementing methods of allocating budget for S&T tasks in fund mechanisms. The budget for S&T tasks shall be allocated through the State S&T Development Fund or transferred to bank accounts of the agency which chairs the implementation of S&T tasks in the State Treasury. The budget for S&T tasks at national level shall be directly managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology and allocated to the National Funds for Science and Technology Development, the National Technology Innovation Fund and budgetary estimation agencies of level 3 which manage national S&T programs according to the assignment of the Minister of Science and Technology.
- Improving operational mechanisms of the National Funds for Science and Technology Development, the National Technology Innovation Fund, system of S&T Development Funds of Ministries, branches, localities and enterprises. Studying the State investment mechanisms in risk venture investments and piloting the establishment of High-Technology Risk Venture Investment Fund, supporting incubation of technology and start-ups.
c) Regarding the total budget for national S&T tasks:
- In the total budget for S&T cause, in addition to the allocation of regular budget linking with the efficiency of S&T performance of S&T organizations of Ministries, branches and localities, it is necessary to prioritize budget for carrying out S&T tasks at national level.
- Allocating budget according to thresholds for national S&T programs in order to assign the autonomy for Ministries and branches for approving S&T tasks according which are of priority orders and not over the State budget balance.
- Preparing medium-term plans for the budget of S&T cause on the basis of estimated State budget growth for the 2016 – 2020 period.
d) Strengthening specialized examination, supervision and inspection of implementing S&T programs, proposals and projects funded by the State budget, implementing pilot mechanisms of independent assessment, ensuring S&T tasks at all levels which are applicable and highly efficient; coordinating with the Vietnamese Fatherland Front and Vietnam Union of Scientific and Technological Associations for consultancy, feedback and social monitoring of S&T tasks.
đ) Developing supporting policies for importing technologies and high technologies in prioritized fields; supporting enterprises to do research, exploit patents, decode imported technologies, prioritize domestic purchase of technologies created by S&T organizations; effectively implementing regulations on importing used machines and equipment, preventing the import of machines, equipment and technology assembly lines which are backward, low quality, energy-consuming and can’t meet requirements of environmental protection.
e) The National Technology Innovation Fund shall effectively support enterprises on technology innovation; encourage S&T organizations to link with enterprises to carry out tasks of technology research and use, technology innovation, human resource training; effectively use the State budget in the implementation of public-private cooperation mechanisms and co-funding mechanisms to carry out S&T tasks.
g) Implementing special investment mechanism for national products for national defense and security.
1.3. Continuously improving the organization and capacity of the State management mechanisms on S&T at all levels.
a) Improving the State organizational structure on S&T from the Central to grassroots level towards directions of lean manufacturing, focusing on formulation of strategies, planning, plans, mechanisms, policies and providing guidance for the implementation.
b) Reviewing and developing programs on training and fostering to improve capacities and skills on S&T management of S&T managers at all levels. Implementing proposals on training and fostering domestic and foreign S&T human resources funded by the State budget for the 2016 – 2020 period. Establishing the Institute for Science and Technology Management in order to training human resources on high-level S&T management.
c) Improving the quality of S&T managers and officials at all levels. Standardizing officials who can meet standards of leadership and management titles of S&T professional management agencies at the Central and local level.
2. To focus resources in order to implement key development S&T directions by:
Continuously implementing synchronous development tasks in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and prioritized technology directions according to the Strategy on Science and Technology Development for the 2011 – 2020 period, in which resources shall be focused to implement key S&T development directions as follows:
- Reviewing and re-organizing State key S&T programs. Focusing resources to implement key S&T and national S&T programs.
- Investing properly and focusing on basic researches, researches on social sciences and humanities and natural resources served for making strategies and policies for the country’s development, the social and economic development and ensuring the national defense and security. Giving special priorities for tasks on the national defense’s potentials.
- Prioritizing resources to develop advanced technologies, high technologies and inter-branch technologies in fields of information technology, biology technology, new material technology, mechanic – automation technology and environment technology.
- Promoting applied research and technological development in branches and fields of agriculture, industries, medicine – pharmacy, transportation, construction, energy, marine S&T, S&T in management and usage of natural resources, space S&T.
- S&T in regions and localities: focusing on applied researches and technology transfer in key economic regions; continuing the implementation of the S&T Program for social and economic development of High Central Region, North West Region, Southwestern Region and the Program on S&T Research and Development for developing rural areas, mountainous areas and ethnic minorities for the 2016 – 2020 period.
3. To continuously improve national S&T potentials by:
3.1. Carrying out measures to mobilize social resources and foreign capital for investing in S&T development
a) Implementing seriously mechanism, policies and solutions in order to increase investment percentage in S&T from the society to the level of 2 or 3 times higher than that from the State budget, in which the public – private cooperation mechanism co-sponsor with support from the National Technology Innovation Fund, National Program on Technology Innovation and other national S&T programs in order to mobilize resources to invest in S&T from organizations, enterprises and individuals.
b) Establishing and implementing efficiently regulations on establishing and using S&T Development Funds of enterprises, ensuring that State enterprises to deduct from 3% to 10% of taxed income of enterprises and non-State enterprises are encouraged to deduct the maximum of 10% of their taxed income to establish their S&T Development Funds or contribute to the State S&T Development Fund at the Central or local level.
c) Strengthening research tasks according to Protocols and bilateral and multi-lateral research cooperation programs in order to mobilize foreign resources supporting new technology innovation and transfer to Viet Nam and solve Vietnam’s S&T issues.
d) Encouraging private sectors to establish or link with the State to establish risk-venture investment funds for research and development activities of new technologies and high technologies.
3.2. Investing in development of S&T organizations
a) Investing and supporting new establishment and development of the system of public S&T organizations and key S&T organizations according to the planning approved by the Prime Minister.
b) Issuing criteria and selection of some S&T organizations of the regional and world level, in which investment shall be focused on facilities, research equipment, ensuring that by 2020, some research fields would have facilities and research equipment of the advanced level in the region.
c) Piloting to establish some S&T organizations according to the world modern models, firstly Vietnam – Korea Institute of Science and Technology (V-KIST). Issuing and applying specialized mechanisms and polices for V-KIST.
d) Selecting and focusing investments in at least one S&T organizations linking with potentials and advantages of each key economic region, in order to training human resources and solve S&T issues of the region.
đ) Encouraging the establishment of research and development institutes with foreign capital and branches of reputable foreign research institutes in Viet Nam.
3.3. Developing S&T human resources in terms of quantity and quality
a) Promoting the implementation of planning on S&T human resource development in close linkages with the social and economic planning; meeting the country’s development demands by 2020 and visions of 2030.
b) Effectively implementing polices on attracting and well-treating S&T individuals according to Decree No. 40/2014/NĐ-CP dated May 12, 2014 of the Government on utilization and well-treating of individuals in S&T activities and Decree No. 87/2014/NĐ-CP dated September 22, 2014 of the Government on attracting individuals in S&T activities, who are Vietnamese in foreign countries and foreign experts in S&T activities in Viet Nam.
c) Developing, submitting to the Prime Minister for approval and implementation of programs and proposals on training and fostering S&T human resources. Actively discovering and training and fostering young talents from high schools, colleagues and universities. Increasing numbers of young scientists to char national S&T tasks.
d) Renovating the recruitment, assignment, assessment and appointment of S&T officials towards directions of assigning the autonomy to heads of S&T organizations.
đ) Organizing to award Hồ Chí Minh prizes and State prizes on S&T in 2016, other S&T prizes and other activities of supporting and respecting non-professional patents.
3.4. Building and developing S&T infrastructure to meet demands of the country’s industrialization and modernization
a) Reviewing to invest in improving capacities of national key laboratories. Being consistent not to invest in key laboratories which perform inefficiently and completing procedures on handing over to chairing agencies for management.
b) Implementing the planning of high technology parks, at the same time focus on improving the efficiency of national high technology parks. Completing the project on investing in the infrastructure of Hoa Lac High Tech Park.
c) Strengthening potentials of national S&T information, allocating a proper percentage from the budget for S&T activities to S&T information. Improving and using effectively the national S&T information and statistical infrastructure. Promoting the development and use of VinaREN network to connect for the international integration in scientific research and technological development. Improving capacities and performance efficiency of centers for S&T information and statistics at the Central and local level.
d) Establishing nuclear S&T center for research and development of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. Upgrading and constructing some new radiation centers for preservation and process of consuming products and for export. Developing the information system for declaration, positioning and management radiations.
4. To develop S&T markets, enterprises and service activities by:
4.1. Establishing and developing the network of intermediate organizations in S&T market: S&T service organizations, in which focus shall be made on services of technology transfer, intellectual property, standards, metrology and quality; supporting to improve capacities of Centers for Technology Use and Development of localities. Investing in the establishment of technology exchanges in Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh City, Đà Nẵng to link with technology exchanges and enterprises in the region and in the world. Training on S&T start-up, business management, and human resource development for the intermediate organizations of the S&T market.
4.2. Developing S&T enterprises through promoting incubation units for technology and S&T enterprises, establishing pilot risk venture investment funds, providing support for start-up in universities and research institutes. Supporting enterprises to establish research and development organizations and S&T Development Funds of enterprises.
4.3. Strengthening support, definition, management and development of intellectual assets for organizations and individuals. Improving the efficiency of enforcing intellectual property to protect legal rights and benefits for owners of intellectual property, contributing to make the business environment healthy, attract investments in innovation activities and improve the national competitiveness.
4.4. Formulating policies and allocating resources to support the commercialization of results of scientific research and technological development, intellectual assets; socializing searching services of information on industrial property, supporting to exploit information on patents inside and outside the country for scientific research, production and business; supporting research on decoding and mastering technologies transferred inside and outside the country.
4.5. Organizing the implementation of planning on the TCVN system by 2020. Establishing national technical norms to can meet requirements on managing products and goods which can cause unsafe, unhygienic and environmental pollution consequences. Training to improve capacities of establishing standards for Ministries, branches and enterprises.
4.6. Investing in development of the national standard and metrology system according to the approved planning by the Prime Minister, supplementing, maintaining and improving the standard system of available fields, ensuring linkages with international standards. Investing to strengthen metrology and experimenting capacities for technical centers for standards, metrology and quality at Central and local level to meet requirements of domestic management and international integration.
4.7. Promoting activities of raising productivity and quality through advocacy and knowledge dissemination on productivity and quality; consulting to apply management systems, models and tools to increase productivity and quality for enterprises; training for human resources on productivity and quality for enterprises; improving methods for calculating productivity at the national, branch, local and enterprise level. Investing to raise capacities of Vietnam Productivity Institute to become the National Productivity Institute. Organizing and managing operation of the network of inquiry agencies on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT); establishing the database system on the quality of products and goods under group 2, which are under the management of Ministries and branches; the domestic warning system on the quality of products and goods linking with the international warning system.
4.8. Developing and exploiting effective the National S&T database system and those of Ministries, branches and localities. Publicizing information on the implementation and applying results of S&T tasks at all levels. Implementing comprehensively S&T statistical activities, innovation and renovation of technologies and equipment in all Ministries, branches, localities and enterprises. Organizing the review and publication of annual ranking results for S&T organizations.
4.9. Surveying and assessing the current situation, technology capacities and demands of technology innovation in enterprise, preparing the technology mapping, roadmaps for technology innovations to define directions for applied research and technological development in branches, fields, localities and enterprises. Regularly organizing start-up Days, events for linking technology demands and supply, technology and equipment markets, demonstration activities, introduction of scientific research and technological development results on research and training agencies.
5. To continuously promote international integration on S&T by:
5.1. Continuously implementing the Proposal on Science and Technology International Integration by 2020 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 735/QĐ-TTg dated May 18, 2011, Decision No. 538/QĐ-TTg dated April 16, 2014 and Decision No. 1069/QĐ-TTg dated July 04, 2014, which focus on the formulation and implementation of key tasks as follows:
a) Implementing bilateral and multi-lateral cooperation tasks in S&T, prioritizing to allocate the budget to implement strategic and long-term programs and proposals directly served National S&T Programs and international research programs and projects;
b) Establishing the network to search technologies, including research, establishment of database on experts searching technologies; reporting on information of international technologies, technology potentials, strengths and development trends in the world; linking investment funds and investors to support the start-up of domestic S&T enterprise;
c) Studying and preparing reports on technology dossiers, description of foreign technology transfer projects of organizations and individuals who register to chair projects on supporting foreign technology transfer;
d) Implementing projects on foreign technology transfer projects, including studying, mastering, developing technologies, transfer technologies, improving technologies, piloting production and manufacturing products; supporting organizations and individuals to transfer ownerships or usage partially or entirely foreign technologies;
đ) Implementing other projects for the management of programs under the Proposal on S&T International Integration by 2020.
5.2. Continuously implementing and bringing into full play roles of Vietnam’s S&T representative network in foreign countries.
1. Agencies under MOST, based on their functions, tasks and key directions, objectives and tasks of S&T activities stipulated in this Decision to:
a) Developing the implementation plan for the 2016 – 2020 period and sending to the Department of Planning and General Affairs for consolidation and to submit to the Minister for issuing the implementation plan of this Decision;
b) Providing guidance and coordinating with relevant agencies of Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government attached agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and cities under the Central government to establish lists, objectives, contents, plans and implementing of National S&T programs, key S&T tasks for the 2016 – 2020 period;
c) Submitting to the Minister of Science and Technology for approval of national S&T tasks for the 2016 – 2020 period.
2. It is proposed that Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Government attached agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and cities under the Central government to provide guidance and guidelines for relevant functional agencies, based on the content of this Decision, to develop S&T plan for the 2016 - 2020 period and annual plans to send to MOST for consolidation.
3. Annually, the Department of Planning – General Affairs shall consolidate results of implement key S&T objectives and tasks and plans of the following year of Ministries, branches and localities, submit to the Minister and report to the Prime Minister and National Assembly as stipulated.
Article 2. This Decision takes effect from date of signing.
Article 3. The Director of Department of Planning – General Affairs, heads of agencies under the Ministry of Science and Technology are responsible for implementing this Decision.
- The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers (for reporting)
- The Office of the Central Party and Committees of the Party;
- The Office of the National Assembly;
- The Office of the President;
- The Office of the Government;
- Ministries, agencies of ministerial level, agencies under the Government;
- Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee;
- Central committees of political and social mass organizations;
- The People’s Committee, Department of Science and Technology of provinces and cities under the Central government;
- The portal of the Government;
- The portal of the Ministry of Science and Technology;
- Archives: Archiving office, the Office, Department of Planning and General Affairs.
Nguyen Quan