The Strategy for Science and Technology Development for the 2011-2020 period

Wednesday, 05/12/2012 09:16 GMT+7
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Independence– Freedom – Happiness

No. 418/QD-TTg

Hanoi, April 11, 2012



Approving the Strategy for Science and Technology Development

for the 2011-2020 period


Pursuant to the Law on Organization of the Government, of December 25, 2001;

Pursuant to the Law on Science and Technology, of June 9, 2000;

At the proposal of the Minister of Science and Technology,


Article 1. To approve the Strategy for science and technology development in the 2011-2020 phase (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) with following major contents:


1. Development of science and technology together with education and training are the top national policies and key motivations for the country’s fast and sustainable development. Science and technology must play a decisive role to make development breakthrough in productive force, innovate growth models, enhance the competitiveness of the economy and speed up the country’s industrialization and modernization.

2. Focused and synchronized fulfillment of three essential tasks as continuing to reform basically, comprehensively and synchronously science and technology organizations, management structures and operational mechanisms; strengthening national science and technology potentials; promoting research and development, and linking science and technology development tasks with socio-­economic development ones at all levels and branches.

3. The State increases investment level of and prioritizes investment for national science and technology tasks and national products. The socialization and mobilization from all resources are pushed up, especially from enterprises to invest in science and technology development.

4. The development of science and technology market is linked with the enforcement of the law on intellectual property in order to boost results of technology research and development and encourage science and technology innovation.

5. International integration on science and technology is an objective and at the same time an important solution which contributes to Vietnam’s science and technology to soon reach at the international level. International integration on science and technology must be implemented in an active, proactive and creative manner, ensuring the national independence, sovereignty and national security, equality and mutual benefits.


1. Overall objectives

To develop in a synchronized manner social sciences and humanity, natural sciences, technical and technological science; make science and technology to really become a key motive force, meet basic requirements of a modern industrial country. By 2020, a number of Vietnam’s science and technology fields will reach the advanced and modern level of ASEAN region and that of the world.

2. Specific targets

a/ By 2020, science and technology will contribute a significant part to the economic growth and restructure of the economy, value of hi-tech products and hi-tech application products will account for about 45% of the GDP. The speed of technology and equipment innovation will reach at 10-15%/year for the 2011- 2015 period and over 20%/year for the 2016-2020 period. Transaction value of the science and technology market will increase 15-17%/ year on the average.

b/ The number of international announcements from research themes funded by the State budget will increase 15-20%/year on the average. The number of innovations registered for protection for the 2011-2015 period will increase 1.5 times higher as compared to those of the 2006-2010 period and the number of the 2016-2020 period will be twice higher than that of the 2011 - 2015 period, especially the number of innovations innovated from State key science and technology programs will be increased fast.

c/ It is strived to increase the total social investment in science and technology at the level of 1.5% of the GDP by 2015 and over 2% of the GDP by 2020. It is ensured that investments from the State budget in science and technology reach at least 2% or more of the total annual State budget expenditure.

d/ By 2015, the number of officers in charge of scientific research and technological development will reach 9-10 persons per ten thousand people; training and examination are of the international standards, 5,000 engineers are fully capable of managing and operating hi- tech production lines of the country’s branches and fields of development priorities.

By 2020, the number of officers in charge of scientific research and technological development will reach 11-12 persons per ten thousand people; training and examination are of the international standards, 10,000 engineers are fully capable of managing and operating hi- tech production lines of the country’s branches and fields of development priority.

dd/ By 2015, 30 basic research and use organizations of the regional and international levels, which are fully capable of solving issues of national importance relating to science and technology; 3,000 science and technology enterprises; 30 hi-tech technology incubators and hi-tech enterprise incubators will be formed.

By 2020, 60 basic research and use organizations of the regional and international levels , which are fully capable of solving issues of national importance relating to science and technology; 5,000 science and technology enterprises; 30 hi-tech technology incubators and hi-tech enterprise incubators will be formed.


1. To continue to reform fundamentally, comprehensively and synchronously science and technology organizations, management structures and operational mechanisms.

a/ Regarding science and technology organizations

To restructure and prepare planning of the system of science and technology organizations towards directions which are focused and prioritized, avoid scattered ness and overlapping and appropriate with socio-economic development strategies of the country, branches, fields and economic regions.

To focus investments in the development of Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences to become the two leading science and technology organizations of the nation and of ASEAN region. To strengthen capacities of universities on basic research. To establish at least one strong science and technology organization in each key economic region closely linked with regional potentials and advantages and with universities for training human resources and for implementing science and technology tasks.

To encourage, support establishment and development of scientific research and technology development organizations within enterprises, especially within economic groups. To develop technology and science and technology enterprise incubators. To strongly develop science and technology enterprises, essentially from universities and research institutes.

b/ Regarding science and technology management mechanisms

To basically reform science and technology management mechanisms appropriate with the socialist-oriented market economy and specialized characteristics of science and technology activities, meet requirements of international integration, quickly improve investment efficiency and practical contribution of science and technology to socio-economic development objectives.

To reform methods of developing science and technology tasks at all levels including proposing, selecting and defining science and technology tasks, ensure practical, scientific and inter-sectoral nature. To clearly stipulate authorities and responsibilities of the Government, Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of agencies under the Central government and Chairmen of Provincial People’s Committees in identification and provision of guidelines for implementing key science and technology tasks within their management scope. To increasing the percentage of science and technology tasks which have commercializing abilities.

To reform methods of organizing the implementation of science and technology tasks at all levels towards ensuring publicity, transparency and competitiveness in selecting organizations and individuals performing science and technology tasks. To encourage science and technology organizations to link and coordinate the implementation of scientific researches which are of national value and at international level. To conduct appraisal and evaluation according to international standards for assignment and implementation of science and technology tasks.

To reform financial mechanisms for the implementation of science and technology tasks appropriate with specialized characteristics of science and technology activities. To strengthen inspection, examination and supervision on use of State budget for science and technology investments in ministries, sectors and localities.

To reform mechanisms and policies on employing and using at an important position for science and technology officers towards creating motivations and practical interests in order to liberalize and promote their creativity. To apply special incentive mechanisms and policies for science and technology officers who are in charge of the implementation of science and technology tasks at national level. To ensure legitimate benefits of authors who have innovations and patents.

To reform the State management system on science and technology towards directions of streamlining and focusing on formulation of strategies, mechanisms and policies; strengthen capacities of inter-sectoral and inter-regional coordination; ensure delegation of authorities and decentralization; reduce specific operational functions.

c/ Regarding science and technology operation mechanisms

To carry out public-private partnership models in science and technology; develop forms of cooperation in research, technology innovation and human resource training and development between public and private sectors.

To shift from financial allocation mechanisms for science and technology tasks to fund management mechanism. To quickly and synchronously carry out systems of science and technology funds, including national, ministry, branch, locality and enterprise funds.

To shift public science and technology organizations into self-managed and accountable mechanisms as stipulated by laws. To carry out applied science and technology researches as ordered by the Government, ministries, local administrative agencies, enterprises or other organizations.

To exercise democracy, respect and promote the freedom of ideology in research and creative activities carried out by science and technology intellectuals for the country’s development.

2. To strengthen science and technology potentials

To focus investments on the development of key science and technology organizations; link science and technology organizations of the same nature, field or inter-sectors; to establish strong research groups which are fully capable of fulfilling key national tasks. To improve basic research capacities of key national universities. To establish potential young research groups in universities and research institutes.

To improve operational capacities and efficiency of hi-tech zones, hi-tech application agricultural zones, centralized information technology zones, national key laboratories, technology incubators as well as science and technology enterprises, science and technology information centers, applying centers for science and technology advancements, centers for standards, metrology and quality at the central and local levels.

To improve capacities, qualifications and quality of science and technology managers in all sectors and at all levels.

To develop systems of technology transfer service organizations, markets for technology and equipment. To ensure enforcement of the law on intellectual property, efficiently exploit and use innovations. To organize exhibitions to introduce achievements in science and technology reform and innovation .

3. To synchronously develop social sciences and humanities, natural sciences and directions of prioritized technologies

a/ Social sciences and humanities

To study and forecast development trends of each region and the world in the first half of the 21st century, the modern science and technology revolution, development of the knowledge-based economy and impacts on Vietnam’s development path.

To summarize in practice processes of national reform, construction and development, and study development theories in the new era in order to provide rationales for identifying and clarifying Vietnam’s development path served for providing guidelines, directions strategies and policies for the country’s development and defense.

To study scientific theories and practical basis to reform the political system, leadership methodologies of the Party and the State management, strongly promote people’s democracy, strongly boost administrative reforms and judicial reforms, develop and improve the law-ruled Socialist Republic of Vietnam. To study and reform, strengthen roles and responsibilities of organizations in the political system; enhance validity of laws, socialist legislation; and ensure human rights and citizen rights.

To study and identify development models and economic structures, propose solutions for the fast and sustainable development of the country, regions and localities; improve institutions of a socialist-oriented market economy; ensure the stability of the macro-economy; increase productivity, quality, effectiveness and competitiveness of products, goods and services as well as of the economy. To study Vietnam’s international integration process in order to capture opportunities, overcome challenges and improve Vietnam's role in solving regional and global issues.

To study characteristics, structures and development trends of the Vietnamese society; study and reform methods of society management; identify conditions and measures and roadmap for developing Vietnam to become a society with prosperous people, strong country, discipline, democracy and civilization.

To study characteristics of formation and development of culture, nationality and religion in Vietnam served for whole national united bloc, the advanced culture with strong national identity, absorb cultural quintessence of the mankind.

To study Vietnamese people as social entities who comprehensively develop and are characterized with humane values, good cultural values, have creative abilities, meet increasingly high requirements of the country’s industrialization and modernization process.

To formulate and carry out the program on Vietnam’s social sciences and humanities development by 2020.

b/ Natural sciences

To combine basic research with applied research in order to serve for objectives of socio-economic development and ensure the country’s defense and security.

To establish scientific rationales to master natural rules and conditions, contributing to solve the country’s immediate and long-term important issues such as food security, energy security, health of the people, environmental protection, proper use of natural resources, defense and security assurance

To continue promoting research activities in some natural science fields in which Vietnam has advantages. To formulate and carry out Vietnam’s program on P-Physics Development by 2020. To implement the national key program on Math Development for the 2010- 2020 period.

To pay special attention to the development of some inter-sectoral fields between natural sciences and technical and technological sciences, social sciences and humanities for the sustainable development. To study and identify the nature, causes and impacts of natural disasters and processes of climate change to be the basis for proposing and implementing solutions to mitigate, prevent and adapt to climate change, especially impacts of sea water rising phenomena.

c/ Prioritized technology directions

- Information and communication technology

To continue promoting the development of information and communication technology to reach international standards and levels in some fields which Vietnam has advantages, ensure the increase of annual turnovers will be 2-3 times higher than that of GDP growth and the contribution to GDP will reach 8-10%.

To promote researches to master and transfer technology in information technology field and manufacture Vietnamese-branding products as Software and Digital content technology; technology of designing and manufacturing integrated circuits and high-capacity memory; multi-media technology; multi-access technology; artificial intelligence; network safety and security technology; and develop a system of high-performance computing centers.

To study and develop operating systems for computers, tablets and mobile devices on the basis of open-source software. To study and develop technology of designing and manufacturing equipment for telecommuni­cation networks and next generation mobile networks, consequently develop fixed and mobile convergence network technology. To study and develop systems which support searching in Vietnamese language, processing Vietnamese texts, supporting translation and recognizing voices and scripts in Vietnamese language.

To study, develop and apply electronic authentication in electronic transactions; develop new generation e-government; and promote the provision of online services in Vietnam.

- Biology technology

To study and develop with focuses on background technologies of bio-technology as genetic technology, cell technology, micro-biology technology, enzyme-protein technology, bioinformatics technology, nano-biology technology, etc. in order to improve the level of national biology ­technology.

To study and use effectively bio­logy technology to some prioritized fields as agriculture-forestry-fisheries, medicine-pharmacy, processing industry, environmental protection, contribute to develop biology technology to become a hi-tech economic branch, which contributes more and more values added to the economy.

The development of biology technology is focused on technologies to serve following tasks:

To take care of health, disease diagnosis and treatment, in which special attention will be paid to the use of stem cell technology for dangerous diseases and newly-arising diseases in people.

To produce vaccines, pharmaceuticals, veterinary drugs, rapid test products; biological ­products for processing food, husbandry food, functional fertilizers; biological insecticides; biological fuels; rapid development of disease-free plant varieties.

To create plant varieties, livestock, aquaculture and marine breeds which has high yields, quality and added value suitable to Vietnam’s ecological conditions. Identify, prevent and protect dangerous newly-arising diseases and epidemics in agriculture.

To master technology processes in parallel with manufacturing synchronous equipment during the development of biology industry.

To preserve, keep and reasonably exploiting rare and precious genetic resources; protect the biology diversity; and treat environmental pollution.

- New material technology

To concentrate on absorbing and developing modern and new material technology, pay special attention to materials with special characteristics used for industries as follows:

Technology of manufacturing some materials with special characteristics (alloy, polymer materials and composite materials) used in defense industry, manufacturing industry, construction, transport and environmental pollution treatment.

Technology of manufacturing electronic and optical materials in modules, equipment of telecommunication systems, electrical and saving energy techniques, especially optical-cable materials.

Technology of manufacturing nano materials and medical-biological materials used in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, medicine-pharmacy, environmental protection, national defense and security.

To study and develop technology of manufacturing advanced materials from domestic raw materials, especially biological raw materials, rare soil and other rare and precious minerals.

- Technology of machine manufacturing and automation

To develop technology of machine manufacturing and automation. To establish systems of auxiliary industries in order to increase the domestication percentage, actively and proactively participate in the global supply chains and move towards manufacturing all the equipment in some key industries. To focus on some key technologies:

Technology of designing and manufacturing synchronized equipment and production lines in petroleum, hydroelectricity and thermoelectricity, shipbuilding, mineral exploitation and processing; technology of manufacturing energy-saving equipment systems; technology of manufacturing systems which are complex, large-scale and highly reliable.

Automation technology for processing and measuring information, automatic control of production processes.

Robot and super-mini robot technology based on micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and nano electro-mechanical systems (NEMS).

System Emulation technology.

- Environmental technology

To develop waste water, solid wastes, hazardous wastes and exhaust gas treatment technologies with functions and costs suitable to Vietnam’s conditions. To apply clean production technology and environmental-friendly technology in production and business in order to minimize gas emissions caused by greenhouse effects. To develop waste recycling technology.

4. To study and apply science and technology in sectors, fields, regions and localities

a/ Science and Technology in Agriculture

Science and technology must contribute an important part to make Vietnam to become an agriculturally strong country and a world center in terms of rice and tropical agricultural products.

To study and use advanced technology solutions to serve for planning and development of a modern agriculture and construction of new rural areas.

To study science and develop technology in agriculture with focus on plants and livestock which create large commodity outputs, have high competitiveness, and ensure firmly the national food security.

To widely apply biology technology for creating new plant varieties and livestock breeds which have high yields, good quality, resist to pests and adapt to climate change conditions. To apply bio-technological solutions to identify, prevent and resist newly arising dangerous diseases and epidemics, create bio-products for sustainable agricultural development.

To study and recommend efficient solutions on varieties and planting of forest trees suitable to specific conditions of each location; increase coverage percentage of forests, upstream forests and protection forests, contributing to natural disaster prevention, protection and mitigation.

To study conservation and exploitation in an appropriate and effective manner of genetic resources in agriculture, especially Vietnam’s endemic genetic resources, served for manufacturing commodity products with high added values. To study scientific rationales for safe development of genetically modified food.

To study and apply advanced technology and proper solutions to process, preserve and diversify agricultural-forestry-fishery commodities, contribute to establish Vietnam’s strong brands for exports; study the combination between advanced technologies and traditional experience for processing and preserving some traditional specialties at industrial scale, and ensure quality, food hygiene and safety.

To study and develop technologies and advanced and synchronized instruments and equipment for manufacturing fertilizers, plant protection drugs, veterinary drugs and cattle feed.

To study and apply advanced technology, equipment and materials in carrying out surveys, designs and construction of irrigation works to meet demands of proactive irrigation and drainage, prevent and protect natural disasters and develop agriculture adaptable to climate change.

b/ Science and Technology in Medicine - Pharmaceuticals

To study, use and develop high technology in medicine field, reach advanced levels of countries in the region and in the world. To master advanced techniques in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of human beings as organ transplant, stem cell therapy, endoscopic surgery; molecular biology technique, nuclear medicine.

To master advanced technologies and techniques for preventing contagious and dangerous diseases and newly arising diseases. To apply advanced technologies for producing preventive vaccines for human beings, ensure the production of vaccines for expanding immunization programs.

To pay specially attention to study and manufacture pharmaceutical materials for pharmaceutical industry, gradually raise the rate of domestic pharmaceutical materials, promote advantages and potentials of traditional pharmaceuticals and medicines. To do planning for a number of specialized cultivation zones for pharmaceutical production. To promote research and use of high technology for studying and manufacturing medicines from domestic pharmaceuticals and traditional medicines.

To focus on studying and manufacturing medical equipment, especially hi-tech medical equipment.

To combine medical and pharmaceutical science and technology solutions with other solutions for developing and maintaining the population at reasonable scale and structure, improve the population quality, especially stature and physical strength of Vietnamese people.

c/ Science and Technology in Energy

To study scientific practical rationales for the formulation of a national energy development planning in order to ensure an appropriate energy structure and meet demands of socio-economic development and ensure energy security.

To study and master technologies of manufacturing all required equipment for thermo-electricity and hydro-­electricity plants of medium and large volume, equipment of electricity transmission and distribution systems.

To study and use forms of new energies and renewable energies as solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biogas and geo-thermal and biological fuels.

To study the development and use of nuclear energy, especially construction and effective and absolute safe operation of nuclear power plants in Vietnam.

To study technology of using radiation energy and nuclear technique to serve for industry, agriculture, environment, health, national security and defense; study and produce new radioactive isotopes and pharmaceuticals, and manufacture some nuclear radiation and technical equipment.

To study scientific and technological solutions for using safely and efficiently in of energy production stages, transmission and consumption; gradually master technology of manufacturing energy saving equipment and establishing power distribution grids.

d/ Science and Technology in Transport

To study and develop safe, smart and environmental-friendly transport systems; formulate standards and technical regulations for planning, surveying and designing activities; master advanced construction technology, management technology, operation and maintenance technology for advanced transport works, apply new materials to construction of modern works as expressways, high-speed railways, urban railways, large-span pre-stressed concrete bridges, cable-stayed bridges, tunnels, deep- water ports and airports.

To master technologies of manufacturing important motors, details and detail assemblies in production and assembly of automobiles, ships, carriages and construction machines in order to product means of transport to replace imported products and then for export.

dd/ Science and Technology in Construction

To study and formulate theoretical and practical rationales for urban and rural development planning, and ensure the national identity, modernity and sustainable development.

To study and apply modern technologies in designing and constructing high-rise buildings and industrial works appropriate to specific conditions of platforms as well as disadvantage construction conditions.

To study and apply modern technologies in manufacturing advanced construction materials (nano, ceramic and porcelain, composite, metal, special alloy) and environmental-friendly materials for civil and industrial construction, especially some national projects such as nuclear power plants, petroleum works and wharves.

f/ Science and Technology in Marine

To promote research on marine and islands, deep-water and offshore areas for the sustainable development of marine economy, protection of marine sovereignty and assurance of the national defense and security.

To study scientific rationales for island and marine space planning; study, manage and exploit effectively marine product resources, tourist landscapes, minerals and wave and tidal energies.

To study and apply new and advanced science and technology solutions for supervising and inspecting sea resources and environment; preventing natural disasters and looking for and rescuing victims at sea and on islands; develop important marine economic industries as shipbuilding, seaports, fishing and processing of seafood’s and provision of marine services.

g/ Science and Technology in Natural Resource Management and Use

To apply modern technology in basic surveys, safe and efficient management and use of natural resources in linkages with environmental protection, including land, water and mineral resources, biological resources and marine resources. To improve technological capacities for forecasting, observing, preventing, responding to and overcoming environmental incidents.

h/ Science and Technology in Space

To study, receive and master technologies of designing and manufacturing small satellites and base Tran receiver stations; master technologies of designing and manufacturing some types of missiles.

To study, receive and transfer remote-sensing technology and global positioning technology to serve for scientific research, basic surveys, planning, management and use of natural resources; environmental control technology, weather forecast and natural disaster forecast and climate change response; positioning technology for means of transport and for the national defense and security tasks.

To actively and proactively participate in international cooperation in space management and use, remote-sensing technology and universe technology.

i/ Science and Technology in Regions and Localities

Regional science and technology activities should be focused on exploiting advantages and specialized conditions of each region to boost production of commodities which are major products. To define science and technology development directions for creating a favorable environment for cooperation and linkage among localities.

To establish in each region some linkages models between science and technology and education and training as well as production and business towards exploiting regional advantages in terms of natural, historical, cultural and social conditions.

To establish a system of organization and technical infrastructure for science and technology activities in regions as research and development institutes, centers for standards, metrology and quality, center for applied scientific and advancements…etc.

- Regarding key economic regions: To strengthen support for enterprises, especially medium and small-sized enterprises in localities to accelerating speed of technology innovation. To strive to increase the regional technology innovation speed at the average of 20-25%/year and the proportion of advanced technology of about 45%. To establish a number of hi-tech applied agricultural zones and centralized information technology zones. To promote the use of biology technology and harvest and post-harvest preservation and processing technology. To set up concentrated commodity production zones. To pay special attention to develop and produce clean agricultural products at industrial scale for the industrialization and modernization and construction of new rural areas.

- Regarding Northern key economic region: To focus on developing some hi-tech industries to become spearheads as mechanic engineering, shipbuilding, software and computer equipment, auxiliary equipment, manufacturing automation equipment, robots, new materials and high-quality steel. To promote the leading role and widespread impacts of Hanoi capital as the top science and technology center for the whole country.

- Regarding Central key economic region: To focus on developing science and technology capacities to reach the advanced level in some key industries as petrol-chemical industry, agriculture-forest-aquaculture product processing industry, mechanic engineering industry, electronics industry and construction material industry. To focus investments in Da Nang and Hue cities to make them become science and technology complexes of the Central key economic region.

- Regarding the Southern key economic region: To focus on developing some hi-tech industries to become spearheads as exact engineering, food processing industry, electronics-computer, manufacturing automation and medical equipment, energy and new materials, developing shipbuilding, petroleum and software industry. To focus investments in Ho Chi Minh City to make it become a science and technology center of the Southern key economic region and the whole country. To study and recommend some special mechanisms for piloting in Ho Chi Minh City in order to create favorable conditions for accelerating the science and technology development.

- Regarding Mekong River Delta key economic region: To focus on studying the development and use of science and technology for spearhead economic fields as rice production, fruit tree growing, aquaculture, agricultural product processing and agricultural mechanization. To promote research, use and transfer of biology technology, provision of plant varieties and livestock breeds and technical services, processing and exporting of agricultural products for the entire Mekong River Delta region. To focus investments in Can Tho City to make it become a science and technology center of the Mekong River Delta key economic region.

5. Development of science and technology services

a/ Standards, metrology and quality

To develop a system of national metrological standards in accordance with international standards; improve accuracy and expand metrological scope the existing standard system. To invest in improving capacities for calibration and testing of products and commodities for centers for standards, metrology quality and meeting regional and international integration requirements.

To study and improve capacities of the network of international standard conformity assessment organizations. Conformity assessment will be mutually recognized within ASEAN by 2015 and recognized by EU and big export markets (the USA, China, Japan, etc.) by 2020. To improve technical barriers in trade to serve for exports and against trade deficits. To apply quality control systems according to international standards ISO, firstly for all enterprises which mainly manufacture products and commodities of the economy. To study and set up a system of databases on product, commodity and service quality; a domestic system of warning information on product, commodity and service quality, which is connected with international warning systems. To develop a databank of standard, metrology quality to support production, business, export and import activities.

b/ Intellectual property

To improve capacities and facilities of the invention information system. To strengthen socialization of invention information services in order to ensure access, search and exploitation of invention information sources to look for available inventions and technologies and apply them to production, business and directions of science research and technology development, in which special attention is paid to new inventions and technologies.

To set up and develop a network of organizations which support consultancy services on establishment, assessment, valuation, evaluation, exploitation and development of intellectual property.

c/ Information and statistics of science and technology

To strongly develop services of providing, summarizing and analyzing science and technology information and statistics, which ensure quality and meet requirements of leadership, management, forecast and formulation of strategies and policies on production, business, science and technology market development.

To strengthen updating, sharing and providing information for training highly qualified science and technology human resources, science research and technology development in universities, research institutes and science and technology enterprises.

To replicate and strengthen dissemination models of science and technology knowledge for the socio-economic development, hunger elimination, poverty reduction and construction of new rural areas in localities.


1. To focus resources on implementation of national science and technology programs and projects and improve the national science and technology capacities.

To formulate and implement national science and technology programs and proposals in order to mobilize consolidated powers for the fulfillment of socio-economic and science and technology development objectives mentioned in the Strategy.

For the 2011-2020 period, to focus on implementation of 2 groups of national science and technology programs and proposals: One group of national science and technology programs and proposals for the socio-economic development and increase the competitiveness of the economy; another group of science and technology programs and proposals to improve the national science and technology capacities.

2. To reform mechanisms on use of the State funds for science and technology, and mobilize social resources for science and technology

To clearly stipulate the State budget proportion for science and technology according to following tasks as strengthening science and technology potentials; reforming basically, comprehensively and synchronously science and technology organization, management mechanisms and operational mechanisms; promoting research and development; carrying out international integration on science and technology.

To execute mechanisms in which the State orders science and technology tasks, firstly for national products and hi-tech products; using modes of purchasing and contracting products suitable with characteristics of each form of science and technology activities.

To increase expenditures, add and extend expenditure items, simplify procedures and invoices appropriate with characteristics of science and technology activities.

To apply investment policies for science and technology organizations based on their operational efficiency and output results.

To use some breakthrough mechanisms and policies in order to promote socialization of investment in science and technology, especially investments of enterprises in technological study and innovation. To propose amendments which allow enterprises to deduct over 10% of their annual taxable incomes for investments I science research and technology development.

To develop policies to attract foreign investment resources in science and technology activities.

3. To synchronously formulate policies on attracting, employing and applying important preferential treatments for science and technology officers

To formulate policies on training and employment of science and technology officers, especially high-qualified young personnel in social sciences and humanities, natural sciences, and technical science and technology. To set up mechanisms to assigning potential science and technology tasks to young scientists and good student groups in key universities and research institutes.

To promulgate policies on employment and promotion of science and technology officers, which clearly define specialized financial autonomy mechanisms, regime of special preferences applicable to science and technology officers assigned to be in charge of implementation of national science and technology tasks.

To propose adding titles of general engineers and chief engineers in the system of science and technology civil officer ranks, and State honorable titles for science and technology officers.

To amend, supplement and finalize policies on attracting Vietnamese overseas scientists and foreign scientists to participate in science and technology activities in Vietnam; and apply mechanisms of hiring domestic and foreign experts funded by the State budget.

To promulgate and enforce regulations on democracy in science and technology activities, especially in social sciences and humanities in order to promote creativeness and enhance responsibilities of scientists in consultations, social feedbacks and assessment for guidelines, policies and projects on socio-economic development.

To develop programs on training, foster and improve qualifications of science and technology managers. To carry out implementation of training programs for science and technology experts on directions and fields of prioritized science and technology.

4. To develop science and technology markets with linkages to the enforcement of intellectual property rights

To formulate and promulgate mechanisms and policies on creating the most favorable conditions for domestic and foreign science and technology products to be exchanged and traded on markets.

To establish mechanisms and policies on encouraging enterprises to import modern technologies, firstly for leading and key and spearhead sectors and fields so that they can be quickly used for production and business to create new products with high added value.

The State invests in establishing a number of centers for science and technology services and technology transfer centers as the core of systems of service organizations on technology broker, transfer, consultancy, evaluation, valuation, appraisal and assessment.

To promote the enforcement of law on intellectual property. To formulate a national program on intellectual property. To study and add institutions relating to intellectual property and develop a system of administrative and civil courts on intellectual property.

5. Active and proactive international integration in science and technology

To develop and implement general research programs, projects and tasks within the framework of bilateral or multilateral agreements. To encourage cooperation on science research and technology development among enterprises, universities, research institutes, domestic individuals and foreign partners. To attract foreign funds through research projects in Vietnam.

To strengthen organization and chairing of international scientific conferences and workshops in Vietnam and participation in scientific conferences and workshops overseas. To organize exhibitions to introduce new and advanced science and technology achievements of other countries and Vietnam.

To promote the performance efficiency of Vietnam’s network of science and technology representatives in foreign countries.

To attract foreign and overseas Vietnamese experts and scientists to participate in programs and projects on science and technology research and human resource training, form strong research groups in Vietnam in which special attention is paid to groups of young scientists.

To develop and carry out contents and plans on national science and technology cooperation with countries which are strong in science and technology and are Vietnam’s strategic partners. To establish outstanding research centers on the basis of long-term cooperation between Vietnam’s science research organizations and those of foreign countries. To pilot cooperation on establishing a number of advanced science and technology institutes funded by foreign capital in Vietnam.

6. To promote communications and raise awareness of the pubic on roles of science and technology

To promote advocacy and communication activities in the society, especially in enterprises on guidelines, policies and laws on science and technology, on key dynamic roles of science and technology for the country’s construction and development in order to enhance spirits of self-reliance, consensus and strong support of the whole political system for science and technology activities; create the atmosphere of competition and creative labor, carry out research and development of science and technology in production, business activities and all fields of social life; and enhance accountabilities of organizations and people working in science and technology field for the country’s construction and defense.

Article 2. Organization of implementation

1. The Ministry of Science and Technology shall be responsible for chairing and coordinating with Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government, People’s Committees of provinces and cities under the Central government to:

a/ Organize the implementation of the Strategy; provide guidelines, carry out inspections, supervision and consolidation of the implementation status of the Strategy and annually report to the Prime Minister; organize a review of the nationwide implementation of the Strategy by early 2016 and a wrap-up meeting by early 2021.

b/ Review the system of policies, laws, projects and programs related to science and technology development to propose for authorized agencies to amend, supplement, newly promulgate in line with the objectives, orientations and solutions defined in the Strategy.

c/ Organize the implementation of national programs and projects on science and technology, key State-level programs on science and technology, programs on application-oriented basic research and annual and five-year plans on science and technology suitable with the Strategy and plans on socio- economic development .

d/ Propose State budget allocation structure for science and technology as a basis for developing annual budget plans.

2. The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall be responsible for chairing and coordinating with Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government, of provinces and cities under the Central government to develop plans, allocate resources for the fulfillment of science and technology development objectives and directions for science and technology development of the Strategy in the socio-economic development plans of whole nation, sectors and localities.

3. The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for chairing and coordinating with Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government, of provinces and cities under the Central government to prepare annually State budget for science and technology as stipulated by law; promulgate regulations within its authority or formulate and submit to authorized agencies for approving regulations on reforming financial mechanisms for science and technology activities as required by the Strategy.

4. Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government, of provinces and cities under the Central government are responsible for:

a/ Specifying directions of science and technology development tasks in the Strategy in annual plans and development strategies of their sectors and localities.

b/ Develop and order science and technology development tasks and provide guidance on implementation of plans on science and technology use in their sectors and localities.

5. Socio-political organizations, socio-political and professional organizations, social professional organizations, economic organizations, social organizations, other organizations, individuals shall, within their functions, rights and obligations, actively participate in the implementation, communication, examination and supervision of the implementation of the Strategy.

Article 3. This Decision takes effect from date of signing.

Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of agencies under the Government and Chairman of People’s Committees of provinces and cities under the Central government are responsible for implementing this Decision.


- The Secretarial Committee of the Central Party,

- The Prime Minister, and Vice-Prime Minister,

- Ministries, agencies of ministerial level, agencies under the Government,

- The Office of Central Steering Committee for Corruption Prevention,

- The People’s Council, the People’s Committee of provinces and cities under the Central government,

- The Office of the Central Party and Committees of the Party,

- The Office of the President,

- Ethnic Councils and Committees of the National Assembly,

- The Office of the National Assembly,

- The People’s Supreme organ of control,

- The Supreme Court,

- People's Supreme Procuracy,

- State Audit Office,

- The National Financial Monitoring Committee,

- Bank for Social Policies,

- Vietnam Bank for Development,

- Committee for Vietnam Fatherland Front,

- Central committees of mass organizations,

- Hoa Lac High-Tech Park Management Board,

- The Office: BTCN, PCN, Electronic Portal, Departments, Bureaus, the official gazette;

- Archives, TCCV (5b).


Nguyen Tan Dung


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